Server Address:

How to Connect to my Minecraft server

Follow these simple steps to connect to my Minecraft server:

  1. Start Minecraft Launcher
  2. Minecraft Laucncher screen
  3. Please send me your username and real name so I can add you to the whitelist and optionally your phone number for further questions:
  4. Minecraft username
  5. Select Minecraft Java Edition and press play
  6. Minecraft start screen
  7. Click on "Multiplayer" in the main menu
  8. Minecraft multiplayer option
  9. Click on "Add Server"
  10. Add Server
  11. Enter the following server address:
  12. Server Address:
    Entering the server address
  13. Click on "Done"
  14. Connect button
  15. You should now be connected to the server and ready to play!
  16. Connected to the server